Sibiu County Council and Transparency International Romania are partners in the project "Let's Say NO to Corruption!", Co-funded by the European Social Fund, through the Operational Program for Administrative Capacity.
On Tuesday, 2018, November 13th, representatives of the two partners publicly presented the project "Let's Say NO to Corruption!" at the conference held at Sibiu County Council.
The event was attended by Mrs. Christine Manta-Klemens, Vice-President of CJ Sibiu. She said she was pleased with the way the collaboration between the two institutions is taking place, while pointing out she is counting on the support of Transparency International Romania for the successful implementation of this project.
Project manager Oana Popa presented the objectives, the foreseen activities and estimated results, insisting on the benefits that the implementation of this project will bring to the institution she represents and implicitly to the citizens of Sibiu County.
Georgeta Filip, public relations specialist at Transparency International Romania, reminded the main moments that set the foundation for this partnership, from the publication of the NGO partner selection notice, the writing of the POCA funding application, the signing of the partnership agreement between the two institutions. Also, TI-Romania representatives are convinced that good cooperation between the two institutions will continue during the implementation period of this project as well as in other similar initiatives.
The event was attended by approx. 40 persons: employees of Sibiu County Council, representatives of the institutions subordinated to the CJ, as well as persons invited from other public authorities and institutions with attributions in the investigation of corruption acts.
The project “Let’s say NO to corruption!”, SIPOCA Code: 439, MySMIS Code: 118759, aims to improve the administrative capacity of the Sibiu County Council to increase integrity and prevent corruption by developing and implementing a standard of integrity through the development and implementing of a mechanism for cooperation with civil society and raising the level of anti-corruption education of staff within the institution.
Implementation period: July 2018 – November 2019.
Total value: 342.295,48 lei out of which the co-financing provided by the European Union and the national financing is 288.260,65 lei.
Project co-financed by the European Social Fund, through the Operational Program for Administrative Capacity 2014-2020.
More information can be found accessing the following links: